Arakan: - One Who Preserves and Takes Care of Their Own Nationality. |
Publication by Arakan Action Association (AAA.) |
Arakan Library was founded by a group of Arakan Action Association (AAA) in exile in Thailand from Burma in 2007 doing to voice for the knowledge, the people democratic and human rights.
Copyright © 2007 Arakan Libray All Rights Reserved. Free counter, Since 2005.
Arakan Action Association (AAA) Chotana Road , Chaing Mai ( 50301 ), Thailand. Email : , +66—089-637-4383, +66—053-409-577 |
The Arakanese of the hilly regions of Bangladesh introduce themselves as 'Magh'. The origin of the word 'Marma' is by no means certain, but it is generally held that the word owes its origin to' Myanma' a term which designates Burma and which in turn may have been derived from the Chinese 'Mein' signifying man. Whatever may be the nomenclature, the racial connection between the Burmese and the Chinese is almost undeniable. Incidentally, it is interesting to note that the Shans of eastern Burma idenitify their country as the 'Country of Man' or the human. The Manipuris of India call the Burmese 'Miran' and the Kachin and Mru tribe of Burma style the people of Burma as 'Myeng', while another Burmese tribe, the Palaung call themselves as 'Biran' . However, all these words tend to suggest their association with the people of Mongoloid stock.
The Arakanese in question call themselves Marma, but they say that they had hardly any connection with Arakan proper. They are in favour of regarding themselves as a major component of the Burmese population rather than of Arakan and claim that in an uncertain past their ancestors migrated from Burma and settled in Arakan and later moved to the concerned areas of Bangladesh. They further point out that the kingdom of Arakan passed out of history long time back while the country of Burma as a whole is on the path of material progress and historical development with its capital Rangoon (Yangon) will always be much above the present Arakanese headquarters Akyab.
The word Bohmong, a title meaning 'commander' having been earned by one of their ancestor Min Soa Pyu, the governor of Chittagong in the seventeenth century, became a favourite general of the king of Arakan. Again, the term 'Marma' was beginning to be popular in tribal arena of Bangladesh by the initiative of the Bohmoung Chief whose links with the then government of East developing friendship with Burma. Although a component part of the population of Arakan, the Marmas of CHT thus ignore their ancestral connections with Arakan. In spite of all these arguments, the Marmas are to be regarded as the men of Arakanese stock and their arguments are not only week but also reflect their ignorance about the past. |